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Huron County BR&E Project

What is the Huron BR&E Project?

The Huron County Business Retention and Expansion (BR&E) project is a county-wide effort, supported by local BIAs, Chambers of Commerce, and others, that recognizes personal, confidential business surveys as a way to:

  1. Identify the needs, concerns, and opportunities of existing local businesses so that, where appropriate, action can be taken.

  2. Learn of the future plans of the area’s local businesses with respect to expansion, relocation, and/or retention and assess where assistance can be provided.

  3. Demonstrate the county’s pro-business attitude and develop an effective means of communication.

Surveys will be mailed to the business community starting at the beginning of June, and continuing through to the end of November 2021. Volunteers will reach out to businesses, via telephone, to provide assistance and support as needed.

A final project report that presents the high-level findings with action plan recommendations will be developed and made available following the data collection period and will be used to plan future economic development activities for Huron County.

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